AgriQuip Blog

What to look for if you’re buying a used tractor attachment

Written by AgriQuip | Oct 19, 2023 7:55:00 PM

If your budget doesn’t stretch to a new machine or attachment, second-hand machinery can be a great option. The key is knowing how to find a good one.

In this article, we explain the key factors to look for when buying used attachments and how to identify worthwhile investments. While some second-hand machinery will end up costing more in maintenance and repairs, these tips may help you find one that is reliable, durable, and provides great value for money. 

Types of tractor attachments

Depending on your application, you may need one or more tractor attachments. At Agriquip, the following attachments are the most common: 

Key factors to consider

When looking at used tractor attachments, doing your research is critical. By paying attention to the following factors, you can reduce the risk of investing in the wrong equipment.


First things first, inspect each attachment thoroughly, looking for signs of wear, rust, or damage. If possible, test it out or request a demonstration to ensure the attachment functions as expected. Pay attention to any unusual sounds or performance issues.


When this tractor attachment needs to be replaced in the future, how easy will it be to find the right parts? If your chosen brand is difficult to source in your area, you may struggle to find it. This is especially problematic when your attachment breaks unexpectedly and you are forced to delay the work you had planned. 

We recommend opting for a widely recognised brand with steady demand. Even if you decide to buy secondhand, this means there should be a steady supply. 


How long has the attachment been in use? If previous owners have racked up a lot of hours, it may be nearing the end of its service life. Check the hour metre and the total running hours for a better idea of how frequently the attachment has been used. Generally, the more hours it has accumulated, the more risk you will face. 

Below are approximate mileage ranges for tractor attachments:

  • 0 - 1000 hours – Low mileage.
  • 1000 - 3000 hours – Medium mileage.
  • 3000 - 6000 hours – High mileage.
  • 6000 + hours – Excessive mileage.


An adaptable attachment can perform various tasks, reducing the need for multiple specialised attachments. This can save you money and storage space. 


You must verify that the attachment is compatible with your tractor's make and model. This will ensure the attachment can function effectively and is efficient to use. 

Service history

A detailed service history with regular servicing provides indicates that the attachment has been well-cared for and any issues have been resolved appropriately. Service records also highlight any recurring problems, allowing you to assess the attachment's condition and maintenance history. If applicable, things to check include the gearbox, oil filters, structural integrity, and any major structural work that has been done.

Service network

Having a reliable service network means you can easily find replacement parts and reliable technicians to perform repairs when needed. Having a local service network is particularly beneficial as it reduces transportation costs and time associated with servicing the attachment.

Storage history

Proper storage extends an attachment's lifespan so always ask the seller where it has been stored. Ideally, attachments should be stored in a dry environment protected from the elements. This is especially important for attachments with working parts that are prone to rust or expansion with fluctuating temperatures. 

The seller’s credibility

Always pay close attention to the seller’s demeanour and trust your instincts. If you believe a seller is being dishonest or withholding information, it may be wise to look elsewhere. For the most part, a trustworthy seller will provide accurate information about the attachment's condition, service history, and any known issues. 


AgriQuip used tractor attachments

In addition to our range of brand-new agricultural equipment, we also supply a range of used tractor attachments. From mowers and shredders to wood splitters and saw benches to spreaders and sweepers, we are always updating our offering with more high-quality, secondhand farm equipment. 

To save you the stress of scouring hundreds of online listings and classified ads, we do all the hard work for you. We thoroughly inspect every piece, look for the most reliable brands, and complete servicing to ensure your attachment arrives in top-notch condition. In other words, you get a reliable piece of equipment at a competitive price. 

We also offer a 3-month limited secondhand machinery warranty. This covers you if any electrical or hydraulic component should fault or fail due to excessive wear sustained prior to the purchase. Agriquip will supply replacement parts, new or used, free of charge to the owner of the machine.

With every used attachment, we provide you with transparent information about the following: 

  • Current condition
  • Where to find replacement parts
  • Mileage (where possible)
  • Service history
  • Where to find local servicing
  • Storage history

We will also help you determine where to find servicing and parts in your local area as well as if it is compatible with your tractor. Click the button below to enquire about our current listings.